Words. Angry words. They float through my head, flirt with
my speech as my tongue silently rolls the letters into shape. I am once again
effected. Mournfully lonely and irritably surrounded by those I wish not to be
around. Contention wafts heavily through the air. It is that itchy silence. No one
will speak for they know that it will only be returned by even more aggravated
tones. The obvious lack of words actively spoken only operates to accentuate
the endlessly annoying noises produced by living things. Footsteps, chewing,
banging around each one eating away at the already malnourished emotional
stability. Muscles tighten as fists begin to shake. Irrational thought builds
to a dangerous climax, and fury boils up from beneath a cracked lid. As if
perfectly timed, the intensified yet light rhythm of the progressive music builds
and as the words are pieced more masterfully, more logically the angry syllables
and infuriating noises become less and less audible…Fuck, and this time I just
wanted to set loose.
Happy On The Melon Side
The imaginative ponderings, intellectual considerations, and theoretical musings of a nobody
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A Bitter taste Left In My Mouth
As hard as I may try to break out of my mortal cage, I seem to fall back into the realities that are my human limitations. Don’t get me wrong, I do not have any expectations nor even and interest in living past my prescribed days, but I do wish to transcend the imperfection that comes with mortality. Now, I’m not making any higher power allusions, I’m simply admitting that and stewing over how I am human and therefore flawed. And the problem isn’t even that I can’t be perfect, but rather that I fall prisoner to the habits and tendencies that I already see as being a problem.
Living a life for others or at least for the approval of others is a ridiculous and unproductive choice of life style. But that’s the point isn’t it? It isn’t as much of a choice as we should like to think, At least not one that is done in terrifically conscious manner. I try to tell myself that I don’t care what people think, that I don’t want respect, or that I require others to make me happy; but I still pretend to be a little “cooler” so people will like me a little more. I still worry about what people really think of me, do they think I’m cool? Do they respect me? Does anyone actually want to have me? I still require support from people even when I should be strong enough on my own.
I want to tell people that I’m excited about something and get the response that their happy for me, yet I find I am being shrugged off as a second thought or being “reminded” of the realities of life. I think back to being a prisoner to the practical world. Ok, so here are my contentions:
1.If you notice someone is excited, just remember,
even in the midst of realities they need to be aware of, they also need, sometimes more, someone to be happy for them (yes this is only the warning of a tragically over emotional nobody; however, there are plenty of emotional nobodies in this world)
even in the midst of realities they need to be aware of, they also need, sometimes more, someone to be happy for them (yes this is only the warning of a tragically over emotional nobody; however, there are plenty of emotional nobodies in this world)
2. Don’t get caught up in the practicalities of life, sometimes they suck the smiles out of life
3. The most important: if you're a loser who is hyper aware of your surroundings even after you have strived to overcome such tendencies (cough, cough) take a second to take inventory a second…third…seventh…hundredth time and remember this life is one you can’t live with fear or anxiety…it will only hurt you
Music: heres a little good ol' high quality covering. purple for a splash of change
the shins cover of we will become silhouettes: amazing
Monday, November 15, 2010
Maledicent Monday
I woke up this morning to an obnoxious ringtone set as an alarm playing from across the room. Last night I had this absolutely "brilliant" idea to place my phone across the room with a loud irritating ringtone ready to play figuring that this gambit would get me up this time for sure. Did it? No, all it did was to irritate the hell out of me and force me to stand up when hitting the snooze button. Needless to say, as I woke up two hour later still as tired as ever I knew it would be one of those days.
WARNING: the following contains nudity any readers below the age of eighteen please avert your eyes while reading
While I was standing in the shower, water turned as high as possible to counteract the cold Rexburg morning (and yes lack of clothes). I was irritable, down, and dreading class. I wouldn't say I was in a bad mood per-say but rather, a state of being. I decided I wasn’t going to go to classes, so I did my homework sent it in and took a personal day.
“Zackoe,” one may say, “what involves a personal day?” well, to answer the rather nosey question, it involves corduroys, cardigans, and coke. Well not actually coke, but it finished the alliteration nicely. Actually it was 64oz of Diet Dr. Pepper (liquid gold) and 32oz of diet Pepsi. You see, this is why I don’t do alcohol, I don’t even drink hard liquids and I already have a drinking problem. (your mind will now jump to the movie “Airplane”) anyway, I succeeded in napping, talking, watching a movie, and just all around wasting my day.
The point to all of this? That sometimes we need to give life the finger turn tale drop our pants remind them all how full the moon really is and take a personal day. It’s hell out there, and sometimes we need to just not care
Wombat - A Australian marsupial; they are short-legged, muscular quadrupeds, approximately 1 metre (39 in) in length with a very short tail. They are found in forested, mountainous, and heathland areas of south-eastern Australia and Tasmania. also, a British rock band who sings of "those" types of says.
but they also remind us that sometime we just have to just forget the world and dance it all off
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Melodically Chill
My first few posts have been focused rather exclusively to philosophy and my own personal thoughts, but today I wanted to focus on one of the necessities along with food, water, and air: music. At all times in my life, music is playing I am never seen without my trusty Bose on-ear’s around my neck. To me, nothing expresses so much or has so much control over the human soul (immortal or otherwise). I figured I would share a few of my new favorite bands, so lets sit back done our best headphones or plug into the best sound system around and enjoy a little nourishment of the soul.
Just A Boy - Angus and Julia Stone
Spoon - The Underdog
The Avett Brothers - Murder InThe City
Hard Days - - Loney, Dear
Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness ft. MGMT
The Submarines - Submarine Symphonika
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Prisoners to practicality

I know that there are numberless explanations and arguments as to why I have to “grow up” and be responsible, but I am not making an appeal to logos. In fact, I am promoting the nonsensical. I am talking to your inner child, your imagination. I am trying to recall the mindset when it made sense to color an elephant bright purple.
I am making a call to action. A call to those of you who still think that life is meant to be fun, to those few who still believe unrequited love is truly romantic and that a princess or a prince charming is something we can be when were “older.” I am declaring that we take this life a little less seriously. That we paint the world with our enthusiasm and we remind society that “black and white” is not reality, but simply an unfinished coloring page.
Art: Let's take this time to remember a man who never forgot that a life taken too seriously was one never enjoyed. he once said, “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.” - Dr. Seuss
Fashion: lets take classic and imagine it in a new way shoes from the very same Dr. Seuss
Music: To end today's post i want to leave you with a fairly well known artist Owl City, and how he reminds us that sometimes we just have to create our own adventures
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