A boy stood at the edge of society, and all he could see before him was a world delighted in the act of running itself into the ground.
Here I am, A boy/guy/man of nineteen, on the edge of adult life balancing carefully on the brink of my future. I see before me so many paths; more, even, than I ever expected. I have fought to free myself from the disillusions my past, culture, and society have tried to place over my head. over the last year I have, in every sense I can think of, tried to grow, change, or improve myself; yet, in the end, I have only bungled around in the dark blindly, screened by my reliance on the inner lies I was willing and wanting to believe. We are all driven by these inner lies, these insecurities and misconceptions, the "subconscious" if you will. The thoughts that are so habitual or instinctually driven that our minds do not actively think them, but ,instead, are literally programmed to base thoughts on: "I don't want to be wrong" "what I was told is right" "the things other people like are cool".
I am Zackoe, someone trying to start with a clean slate in a world that has a purpose none other than to condition us with anything but free thought.I realize this is the time where I begin to sound like some self righteous individualist or some counter culture obsessed hippie (which in the end I may very well be), however i am simply someone interested in knowing truth.
in front of me, I have a straight narrow path. It has been ingrained in my head, the one that I have always been told is the correct path; however, it is also a path that I question. To the left I have a cobbled stone path that is nostalgic, intellectual, and free, but one that is very obviously one that diverges from the original. To the right sits a clean cut road devised for the fastest and most efficient travel. It is riddled with billboards and advertisement and leads to a destination different than the one i want to be heading. Not all directions are appealing to me, Some will cross here and there, but never I will be the same, at each of these crossings, as I would had i taken a different path to reach them. The question laid out before me along with the paths is simply this: which do i take?
My plan for this blog is:
- to track my progression to becoming me (whoever that is)and to document the path taken
- to seek out all that is truly beautiful, and hopefully to inspire a greater desire to leave the world of the "efficient"
- to offer my thoughts and theories relating to human existence and the hardships we must suffer
- and above all else, to have fun along the way
I am no great mind, trendy hipster, modern prophet, nor any other inspirational idle. I am simply a man in a confusing world. One who sometimes feels better when he can simply share what it is his troubled mind is pondering. I am a vagabond in search of truth and simply offering a few humble opinions all along the way. I hope I can stimulate a bit of thought, but do not intend to do anymore as an individual of this world than simply to live and let live.
I find this very interesting, my friend. I shall follow these writings with great interest, as in writing many find themselves. Good luck, my friend!